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LQ-Print Version 1.0 (C)Copyright 1985 Centar Technology
LQ-Print is a program which prints text files in letter quality
on an IBM PC with an Epson printer. The PC must be running DOS
2.0 or later and the printer must have graphics capability. To
get a printout of the documentation type:
lq-print lq-print.doc/m/s
The documentation file was created using WordStar and has many
characters which have special meaning to LQ-Print.
By popular demand LQ-Print has been rewritten as an installable
driver and is now available for a small $25 fee. The LQ-Print
Driver has many nice features including:
- Installs in memory so you can print directly from your
word processor or almost any other program.
- Accepts most of the Epsons escape codes to enter enlarged,
doublestrike, underline, or proportional spacing modes.
Also accepted are horizontal tabs, line spacing and
graphics commands.
- For word processors which do not send out these escape
sequences, an alternate control sequence can be selected
to utilize boldface, doublestrike, underline, enlarged,
and proportional spacing.
- The letter quality driver can be turned off if you want to
make a fast draft copy of something. Then you can turn it
back on again.
To get your copy of the LQ-Print Driver, plus complete
documentation of this program, LQ-Print, send $25 to:
Centar Technology
P.O. Box 60577
Sunnyvale, CA 94088
LQ-Print was not written to be free software. However, after
examination of the advertising costs involved with marketing a
successful program, I have decided not to be forced into charging
$100+ for LQ-Print. Many hours have been put into the
development of this program, so even if you do not want the LQ-
Print Driver, any contribution would be appreciated. This will
help offset the costs of development and encourage the author to
continue to update this program and write new ones.
LQ-Print Version 1.0 (C)Copyright 1985 Centar Technology
Program Distribution:
LQ-Print is currently distributed as User Supported Software. As
long as the program is not modified in any way, and copied as a
complete package (both the .com and .doc files), and no fee
is charged (other than a maximum $10 distribution fee), the
author encourages users to copy and distribute this program.
In no event will the author of this program or Centar Technology
be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use or misuse
of this program, even if the author has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.
Descriptions of LQ-Print Commands
Besides printing in letter quality, LQ-Print allows you to set
certain modes on the printer. By requesting one of the different
printer modes below without requesting a file printout, you may
set the printer mode. For example, Typing LQ-PRINT/C will put
the printer into condensed mode. Typing in the letters LQ-PRINT
without any parameters will display a menu with the following
R - Reset printer
The reset command puts the printer into its power up state
(determined by dip switches internal to the printer). It
will also reset all letter quality modes including: 1/8"
line spacing, proportional spacing, microjustification,
enlarged, and doublestrike.
C - Condensed (not for Letter Quality)
This puts the printer into condensed mode (17 characters per
inch). This will not affect the Letter Quality mode.
E - Emphasized (not for Letter Quality)
This command puts the printer into emphasized mode and will
not affect the Letter Quality mode.
D - Double strike
The double strike command will put the printer into double
strike mode and also set the Letter Quality mode to double
LQ-Print Version 1.0 (C)Copyright 1985 Centar Technology
M - Microjustification (Letter Quality only)
Microjustification works with WordStar files to evenly space
the words and characters across a line. WordStar puts soft-
spaces (hex A0) into the line to justify the right margins.
LQ-Print replaces the soft-spaces with incremental spaces so
the output looks much more evenly distributed. Micro-
justification will be turned off for any line with a hard
carriage return (one not entered by WordStar).
N - eNlarged print
This command puts the printer into enlarged (double width)
mode. It will also make the Letter Quality files print in
enlarged mode until turned off by ^T in the file.
S - proportional Spacing
This puts the printer (FX only) into proportional spacing
mode (each character takes up a different amount of space
depending on its size). It will also make Letter Quality
files print in proportional spacing mode until turned off by
a Reset command (or exit from the program).
8 - 1/8 inch line spacing
Line spacing is normally 1/6" and can be changed to 1/8" in
the printer and also in Letter Quality mode.
P - Print file (Letter Quality)
This command takes an ascii DOS file and prints it (using
high resolution graphics) in Letter Quality. Any of the
above commands (not those specifically marked "not for
Letter Quality") entered before the "P" command will be in
effect. Note: on entry all modes are cleared.
Control Characters
Print control characters can be entered into the ascii file and
have the following meanings:
^B (Control B) Toggle boldface mode
^D Toggle doublestrike mode
^S Toggle underline mode
^X Toggle proportional spacing mode
^N Enter enlarged mode
^T Exit enlarged mode
WARNING: LQ-Print may not work with some spoolers on the older
MX series printers.
LQ-Print Version 1.0 (C)Copyright 1985 Centar Technology
Getting a WordStar file ready for LQ-Print
From WordStar you must print the file into another file.
After editing type a ^KD to finish the editing session.
Then from the main menu type a P for print. Then the file
name must be entered followed by a carriage return. Then
you are asked "DISK FILE OUTPUT?" and must answer Y for yes.
Then you are asked what to call the output file (for
example: use the extension DOC for the WordStar file and TXT
for the output file). All other print control questions are
answered the same as if you were sending the file to the
printer (press <Esc> for default settings).
Running LQ-Print
SYNTAX: LQ-PRINT [filename][/o]
Typing in LQ-PRINT with no options or filename brings up the menu.
filename is the name of the ascii file you wish to print. If a
filename is not given, LQ-Print will set the printer into the
modes selected.
/o is the options entry where the options are described above
under "Descriptions of LQ-Print Commands". As many options as
you would like can be entered as long as the line does not exceed
80 characters.
The command entered to get a copy of this documentation is
LQ-PRINT LQ-PRINT.DOC/M/S. This selects microjustification and
proportional spacing to be used to print the file LQ-PRINT.DOC in
letter quality.